fredag 25 februari 2011

What I´ve eaten...

Today: Tea + soup (110 kcal) + fish (210 kcal)
Yesterday: Tea + Chocolate (1150 kcal)

Ok, so I´ve realised a life without chocolate isn´t worth living ^^ But I´ve also realised I´ve got some serious weight to shed the next couple of months - looking at some pictures taken last weekend I see just how much. So I´ve made a deal; if I HAVE to eat chocolate then thats all I´m having that day. That way I can still enjoy the good things in life while assuring I´m not gaining weight. And yes, I know all about how unhealthy this strategy is but listen to this: I DON`T CARE.

These next couple of months I´m going to do it. I´ll lose all that weight that´s making me feel so "blah", I´ll finally channel my inner fashionista and I´ll also do something new with my hair. Life´s too short to look dull!

Some inspirationpictures for my upcoming project

Oh, and by the way  - that´s the haircut I´m going for!

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